Gain control over your external recoveries activity using PLATO, our purpose-built debt recovery platform. PLATO enables you to benefit from the performance improvement associated with using a multi-agency, multi-placement strategy without creating additional overhead or exposing your business to the reputational risk of losing control or oversight of activity.
PLATO is fully hosted by TDX Group, minimising internal IT overhead, with secure web-based access and straight forward data interfaces for you and your external recoveries suppliers.
Five modules give you full control of your recoveries strategy
Improved outcomes
1. Reduce cost
The automation of key processes, including data enrichment, case decisioning and operational workflow reduces cost associated with manual processes.
No need for additional operational overhead associated with managing a multi-supplier panel.
2. Increased control and visibility of activity
Controls at all touch-points.
Rich, actionable MI, enabling informed decision making.
Automated reconciliation with management by exception.
Full audit trail of activity and customer contact.
3. Increase effectiveness with the right activity for the right customer
Greater customer understanding through automated external data enrichment.
Design, test and rapidly deploy diverse recoveries strategies.
4. Reduce risk
Ensure pre-agreed activities are being executed
Automated decisions and processes ensure consistency
Ability to manage individual accounts outside pre-defined strategies where special approaches are required.